Figuring Out All The Things

By Victoria Easter Wilson / July 15, 2015 /

If you know me in real life or follow me on social media, you’ll notice I’ve been all over the place. A recent book signing. Birth doula workshops. Work-from-home virtual assistant-type jobs. Supporting my husband in his new podcast. Just what is this woman up to!? It’s a question I’ve been asking myself, frustrated the answers…

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My Very First Book Signing

By Victoria Easter Wilson / June 9, 2015 /

I had my first book signing on Saturday and it was all sorts of delightful! It was super amazing to have so many friends and supporters of Re’and stop by. Also the store gave me a free latte. That was nice. To be honest the promotionally stuff that went into planning the signing was a bit uncomfortable. BUT all the wonderful support…

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Cutting Holes In Your Roof

By Victoria Easter Wilson / May 26, 2015 /

Do you remember those guys who needed to see Jesus so badly that they CUT A HOLE IN THE ROOF OF A HOUSE. A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside…

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What Happened To That Book I Wrote That One Time

By Victoria Easter Wilson / May 13, 2015 /

So I wrote a book. I hustled hard to get it finished. I self-published it last October. Then promptly stuffed my thirty chapters. The reasons for my sudden silence on this project are many. Perhaps the greatest being I got embarrassed. Not sexy to admit, or even fair to my loyal readers, but it’s true.…

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Mothers And Daughters (Poetry Chapbook) G I V E A W A Y

By Victoria Easter Wilson / May 6, 2015 /

I had the joy of studying with Catherine in college and, since graduation, we’ve kept in touch about our various writing endeavors. Catherine’s first published work (she’s going on several!) is a poetry chapbook, written as a heartfelt tribute to her late mom, called Mothers & Daughters. As a mother to a daughter myself, Catherine’s…

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Good Things: Natasha Red Shop

By Victoria Easter Wilson / May 1, 2015 /

For me, cooking has always been more of an art than a science. And by art, I mean fingerpainting. A young single, ‘cooking for myself’ meant lots of peanut butter bagels and granola with yogurt. Sandwiches counted as a square meal. (Get it? Sandwiches. Square meal. Moving on.) Unfortunately, my new husband did not care…

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Blue Lights & God’s Law

By Victoria Easter Wilson / April 27, 2015 /

Recently I was pulled over by a police officer for the first time in my life. A real, live police officer. He sauntered up to my window and explained my infraction, following the car in front of me too closely, and I did all the normal things you’re supposed to do when you get pulled over…

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We are Expecting Again!!! Also, Pregnancy Announcement Ideas We Didn’t Use

By Victoria Easter Wilson / April 21, 2015 /

That we feel the need to make grand announcements heralding our pregnancies is, I have to say, a bit amusing. You’re growing a human! An egg and a sperm collided on exactly right day and this little microscopic organism did exactly the right things at exactly the right time to sustain life. A pregnancy is…

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10 Things You Should Know About Your Pastor's Wife

By Victoria Easter Wilson / April 15, 2015 /

A pastor’s daughter who married a pastor’s son, I’ve been intimately acquainted with pastors’ wives for most of my life. Currently, my husband is months away from graduating seminary and we do believe the Lord is calling him to the pastorate. With our ministry “training wheels” about to come off, my awareness of pastor’s wives…

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A Blogger Without A Blog

By Victoria Easter Wilson / April 10, 2015 /

I felt sick to my stomach. Almost like I got punched right in the gut. It’s the feeling you get when you know something really bad is about to happen. My blog was down. Alright, alright. I understand this predicament isn’t actually the end of the world. And it’s probably not even relatable to most…

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