Has it been impossible to finish a thought, lately?
You’re not alone. (Frankly, I’ve got half-finished thoughts and cups of coffee lying all over my house! #momlife)
But what might those thoughts be if you could finish them? “If I could get this project wrapped up, I know I would make more money...I wish someone could just run my social media so I can run my business...If only I could have time to put all that I’m thinking into words.”
Enter 2020 and a global pandemic that caught us all off guard, now there are even more 'what ifs' for business owners:
What if this pandemic ruins my livelihood? If only I could get my operations totally virtual while we ride this thing out. What other ways can my business pivot during this time? How am I supposed to figure all this out by myself?
Sounds like your inner monologue is sending you a message: It’s okay to ask for help.
Listen, you’re doing a bang-up job as an entrepreneur. But you can’t expect yourself to be a wordsmith slash operations manager slash marketing guru slash social media butterfly all at once!
As a mother to tiny humans, I know it's frustrating to not have the best words to say what's important to you.
When you can’t effectively communicate your value to potential customers, you can be sure money is whizzing by like a toddler up to no-good. (Is it too quiet in here?)
Think of working with me as hiring a translator for your business. I’ll put into words what you want to say, making a plan for those lingering projects to become a reality, and meaningfully connect your business with its customers through social media.
And under shelter-in-place orders, I can help you make the most of your current business opportunities, creatively strategize how you can tailor your offerings to the moment, cultivate goodwill with your audience, and hang in there for the long-haul.
Growing up, I saw my parents make many pivots and shifts to keep things afloat. I have that same, creative-and-a-little-bit-
I have the eye of a businesswoman and the heart of a mama bear. My work for past clients includes:
- Coordinating book launches
- Managing podcasts
- Running social media accounts
- Creating content strategies
- Writing blog posts
- and more!
I’d love to hear the ideas you’ve got percolating and brainstorm how we can collaborate to make those ideas a reality.
Find the service that best suits your needs below so we can stop talking before BOTH our cups of coffee get cold!
$75 one-time investment
These one-time brainstorming sessions are so much fun for the both of us! In the course of our hour meeting, you identify the problems you’re having reaching your business goals, and I’ll come up with creative marketing solutions you can implement to meet those goals.
Afterwards you’ll get my comprehensive recommendations in an idea-packed pdf.
$500 a month / 6 month min
From the mundane to the complex, you’ll get access to an online business Jill-and-Jack-of-All-Trades who can do anything from handling your inbox to managing your projects. With this monthly investment, you’ll get 15 hours of our time each month* to use at your discretion.
*If you have needs in a given month that surpass 15 hours, you’ll be invoiced an hourly rate for the remaining hours. Unused hours roll over for one month only. (Though I think you'll be surprised how much forward motion we can make with 15 hours!)
So often businesses know they have an excellent product to sell or service to offer, but aren’t sure how to sell it. Getting all the details of online marketing in order can feel like wrangling a playground full of toddlers! That’s where I come in. We’ll have a conversation about your goals and I’ll give you a custom plan of how I can help you meet those goals. You can finally stop beating your head against a wall and start running your business! Leave the marketing to me.

These one-off sessions are so much fun for you and me! In the course of our hour meeting, you identify the problems you’re having reaching your business goals, and I’ll come up with creative marketing solutions you can implement to meet those goals.
Here’s an idea of how it works:
- You contact me and we’ll set up a time to chat.
- You’ll tell me what your business goals are and the particular problem you’re wanting to solve. (Trying to promote a new product? Want to launch a brand awareness campaign? Need ideas about what to post on social media? Lay it on me!)
- Then, we’ll have an intentional phone call to talk all about your business. (During the course of our phone call, I promise my mind will be whirling with ideas for you!)
- Afterward, I’ll send my comprehensive recommendations in a pdf just bursting with creative marketing ideas.
- You put into practice the ideas we created together! Everyone wins!