To Those Giving Self-Publishers A Bad Name

After yesterday’s post several people pointed out to me that many self-publishers, in fact, deserve a bit of scrutiny. I want to think the best of us self-pub authors. I really do. But some of us make it impossible.
So to those who self-publish crummy first drafts and call it a masterpiece. To those who don’t honor the publishing process. To those who don’t take themselves or their writing seriously.
Stop it.
But to those who are giving this self-publishing thing our best go. Who may not have all the answers, but are willing to learn. Who imperfectly move forward, picking up steam, chugging along towards progress.
Keep on keeping on!
You are my writers-in-arms.
Part of 31 Days to Self-Publishing A Book.
[…] To Those Giving Self-Publishers A Bad Name […]