Reader Survey: I Asked, You Answered

My very first reader survey went so well, thanks to your generosity!!! I mean, hey, who else would take a survey with the disclaimer, “There usually is some sort of incentive for these sorts of things, but I’m not doing one”? YOU GUYS!
Here’s what I discovered about you!
- Y’all are the best. Seriously the best. (But you already knew that, right!?)
- Most of you identify as Christian and want faith-focused content. This really surprised me. Oddly, perhaps. I’m confidently a Christian, but for some reason I wasn’t expecting my faith to be such a draw to my writing. I don’t see myself as a “Christian blogger.” Ann Voskamp is a Christian blogger, right? Honestly, I think I wanted to be all things to all people. Though I am a Christian, I have many friends who aren’t. I don’t want to ostracize them from this space. But, as this survey showed me, I can’t hide who I am. I have to believe that my readers and friends – Christian or not – choose to read my work based on its own merits.
- Sisters before Misters. No offense dudes, but it seems that the majority of my readers are women! Interestingly, many of you are not moms. I realize I’ve been posting a lot about mommy life over the past, say 365 days, and I promise I’ll be more cognizant about the number of mom posts.
- You really like using Facebook. Like. A lot. I’ll start doing more focused content there in 2015. (Any ideas? What’s your favorite Facebook page to follow?)
- Collectively, your biggest fear can be summed up as not living a life that matters. A few of you chose to answer my admittedly personal question about fear. Of those that responded, the fear you listed had to do with not living a full, meaningful life. That’s heady. Believe me when I say I feel the weight. I have a deep sense of responsibility to point you to the one who can lift every burden: Christ. (One respondent did report they were most afraid of drones which cracked me up, until I actually thought about it. Drones are pretty scary.)
- This blog has some pretty enthusiastic fans! I was completely blessed and humbled by the sweet, sweet comments you guys shared! It sounds like reading my blog really is a bright spot in your day and, for that, I am grateful.
I’ll keep this survey link live if you still want to add your two cents.
I’m praying 2015 is a great year for all of us! You can expect some giveaways, reviews, guest posts, richer content, and more social interaction.
Thank you, again, from the bottom of my blogger heart for investing in my work.
ummmmmm can I just tell you HOW much I love this?!?!?! I adore that you are true to yourself but include your readers! Ive not been around much recently, but my goal is to get back into blogging and interacting. Looking forward to what you’re going to cook up for us in 2015!
Love you, friend!
Well, we think you’re pretty fab