My Creative Process
I like to rise before the sun. After my morning workout, I usually settle down to my computer with a latte from my home espresso machine in hand. Then I write for about an hour. Sometimes two. It’s easy to write because I keep a moleskine journal with me throughout the day, jotting down inspiration as it crashes over me in waves. Once my uninterrupted writing time is over, the household stirs and I’m ready to receive whatever creative offerings the day has in store.
I’m completely joking.
My creative process actually looks a bit more like this:
I say that I’m going to wake up early and write, but usually this doesn’t happen. I actually hate waking up early. More often than not I’m squeezing in creative space during nap time (like as I’m writing this post), just before I crash into bed in an exhausted heap, or any other stolen moment of the day I can eke out. Every few weeks or so I’ll manage to get a few solid hours of work in thanks to my husband. He’s a wonderful partner and truly supports my creative pursuits.
As far as thinking of ideas, they usually do crash over me in waves throughout the day. That part was true. The problem is I will often forget to write them down, so my ideas sink back again into the bottomless blue of my mind. When I do remember, I usually type a quick note on my iPhone using the ‘Notes’ app and email it to myself. I’ve also been known to grab the closest writing utensil and surface; in fact, this little project was written on the back of a coffeehouse receipt.
More often than not I write posts directly into WordPress, which I know is incredibly risky and not at all foolproof. Danger is my middle name. Sometimes these posts follow my blog calendar, sometimes they don’t. Then I schedule the post to go live at 6am on the appropriate date. (Because I want you to at least think I’m a diligent early riser.)
I’m notoriously hard on myself and it’s easy for me to get discouraged that I don’t have more of a set routine for writing. But, as my husband is quick to remind me, His grace is sufficient. I firmly believe that God gave me this gift of writing to use and refine for His glory. He gives me every opportunity I need to get my words out.
What about you? What does your creative process look like?
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When you have children you have to take what you can get, I think, especially a baby!
I actually am an early riser. My husband gets up at 5:30 (he leaves at 6:15) andI either wake up with him and start my day or he wakes me up as he leaves. I’ve only done this routine for about 18months, but it’s actually a treat for me–there is almost NO noise except the birds singing or the rain outside until about 7:30. Silence. Ahhh. 🙂
My kids are older (5& 7) and required to stay in their room until 8AM. So…I usually have about 2 hours to myself to do my bible study (I love Beth Moore studies), write, email back, and read my blogs, or read a book. It’s delightful. When my kids were babies and toddlers, I would wake up after they would (like, from their crying,haha),and I NEVER liked that. I always felt like it was a horrible start to my day. I tried as often as I could to wake before them (not even doing any of the above activities, just wake up before them) and that helped. By quiet time, I have about 50% of my energy and can get some things like blogging, etc. done, but by 8:00, right after they’re in bed, I’m wiped for the day. Nothing will happen at that point!
But…I don’t think we’re alone. Just about every mom who has a fancy-schmancy blog or a book deal, I’ve found out, has just eeked it out in the bits and pieces of spare time, too. That’s comforting!
Sarah M
I’m hoping that I’ll find a rhythm. Of course, right now, baby sleep schedules are WAY unpredictable! Though I will say the mornings I am up early with the house to myself it is very peaceful. I’m just not disciplined at the moment to make that the norm, it’s currently an exception. I love hearing how you work! And I agree that it is SUPER comforting to know that we moms who blog are in good company. Making it happen when we cane!
I love getting up early, actually, and I enjoy the few hours in the morning I have to myself. I read my devotional and a book I’m reading and then I pray. Oddly enough, I write better when the TV is on while I’m in the living room and my dad is in the recliner…I have the ability to tune things out most of the time. The down side is, I really don’t know what’s going on in the world and my dad is pretty much ignored.
Of course I can do this because I don’t have little one(s) and I don’t have a job. This fall I’ll be going back to school and hopeful find work afterwards. I also need to start working out. I think writing will get a whole lot harder in the near future.
Looking forward to seeing how your writing changes with the new changes you have coming up. I will say, having a few hours in the morning to myself sounds heavenly!
Your opening was perfect.
And I appreciate your honesty about your writing process. When I write, it feels like word vomit, for lack of a better expression. I don’t have a routine, but maybe I’ll find one here soon. That would probably require waking up voluntarily more often, and I’ll fight that fight once Husband-Man settles into his new job.
I enjoy reading your posts very much, and I look forward to being part of your online (and in person) community as you grow.
Thank you so much Carla 🙂 I’m glad we’re blogging buddies. So very glad.
When I started to read the first words of this post I was frightened. I thought, what alien as abducted Victoria…then I was comforted to know it was just a creative attention grabber. Great post.
LOL Thanks Dad 🙂 You know me well.
Looked for your blog when I received your comment on Gloria Furman’s book review. Your description of your “creative process” cracked me up.
O, awesome! Thanks for stopping by 🙂 Always like making people laugh.
[…] I asked if you would share your creative process, I was so delighted to read what y’all had to say! That got me thinking. Wouldn’t it […]
Decided to make a linkup out of these blog comments! 🙂
lol. I actually DO get up early to write.
I SO wish I did! I think that’s ideal…but I’m either too tired/lazy/undisciplined to make it work!
Hah. I don’t have a set routine either. I just do what I can when I can. That’s the season of life I’m in now.
You and me both sister!