Things I Learned in June [Spitup & Mastermind Groups]

1) How to take a panoramic picture on my iPhone.
You probably already know this, but it’s new to me! For detailed instructions better than I could provide, watch this video. I caught this shot at the wedding of a friend of ours.
(Click for full size!)
2) Canva
Thinking about photos, if you’re looking to create more compelling graphics have I got news for you! This month I learned about the wonderful world of They provide templates & tools for various project sizes: Facebook cover photo, posters, presentations, Kindle book covers, and more. Many of the features are free, some of their tools you have to pay for but it’s super cheap (like $1) and worth it. Go to and play around! I’m in love.
3) Do not go to work with baby spit up on your sleeve because “you don’t have time to change.” This is a horrible idea and you will smell like baby vomit for the rest of the day. Make time to change. Trust me.
4) I don’t need a publisher to tell me my writing is good, I need my readers.
I’ll be sharing my thoughts on this point in the coming weeks, but I’ve gone through a bit of a paradigm shift when it comes to self-publishing. In short, I’ve decided that I don’t need a publisher to tell me my writing has worth, I need to hear that from my readers. If you are not well served, the work won’t stand anyway.
5) Starting a Mastermind group is easy and tons of fun.
Inspired by Kat Lee’s interview with Trina Holden, I thought it’d be a smart move to start a Mastermind group. On Instagram I’m part of the #FridayIntroductions crowd (hosted by The Tiny Twig and Naptime Diaries); through that community I was able to find three fellow bloggers who agreed (!) to be in a group. We’re just getting started but, already, our group has been mutually beneficial and inspiring. We have members from across the globe and at various stages in our blogging careers. I was so honored and humbled and excited these women agreed to form a Mastermind group! I’m really looking forward to what we’ll learn from each other in the months to come.
I also heard Kat’s podcast about that and have been thinking about that for awhile, too….would you have room for one more? My email address is sslamast (at) gmail (dot) com.
I am checking out canva…I’ve never heard of that, either!
Sarah M
Oh my goodness, canva is amazing!!!!
Ah! I’m so glad you love Canva 🙂 It’s really fab. And I’ll email you!
Another blogger just discovered Canvo and I learned about it from her, like a week ago. So funny how we all discovered it at the same time. 🙂 I’m hopefully will be self-publishing a children’s book soon. Even if only my family reads it, I’ll still be happy. You’re and excellent writer and you should listen to this reader. 😉
That’s awesome Catherine! Maybe Canva can help you promote that children’s book! And I’m coming to the realization that we should write with a mind to give our audience the best of our work, whether that is an audience of 5 or 5,000.
*mastermind group secret handshake* ;p
Back at ya J. Rae 😉
It’s an amazing paragraph designed for all the internet viewers; they
will take benefit from it I am sure.