Writing for God's Glory [Guest Post + Video Interview!]

You may have noticed, but I’m kinda digging guest posts these days (see Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C). I thought it’d be fun to include my husband in on the action! Ben writes along with several of his seminary friends at Greater Wealth – the latest, greatest, Christian Internet sensation. He also writes lots of essays while finishing his degree and sermons whenever he gets the chance. I’m tickled pink that he agreed to guest post and be interviewed! It’s been super fun to bring my best friend along with me for this one. Enjoy! (And here’s the eBook collection of Ben’s sermons on Revelation we mentioned in the interview!)
Christians often throw around the phrase, “do it for God’s glory.” This is a great thing to say and a great way to live. The Westminster Catechism says the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. I love this answer because it connects glorifying God with joy. I am afraid that Christians, me included, believe that glorifying God must be some rote duty. Glorifying God is a cause for joy!
Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 10:31 that whatever we do should be done for God’s glory. In Colossians 3:23 he says to work as working for the Lord and not for men. These are life shaping verses. They give direction to everything we do. Everything Christians do should be for God’s glory. This is so easy to say but hard to apply.
Now for the point of the post.
I am studying to get my Bachelor’s degree. This last semester I had to take an English class that focused on writing research papers. The required reading was On Writing Well. It was a fabulous book. I loved it because it was practical and it was evident the author practiced what he advocated. One chapter in the book really got me thinking. The chapter argued that a writer’s audience is themselves. The writer writes for themselves and themselves alone. The author even said the people who will read your work should not be in mind.
I think the author has missed it. My audience when I write is not myself, or those who will read my work. I write for God and His glory. Don’t get me wrong. I want whoever is reading this post to enjoy it. But the reader’s enjoyment is secondary to me. My desire and aim is for God to be glorified. If God is not glorified in my writing then I want to stop.
Now we must dispel a prevalent thought. “Of course this post will glorify God; it is, after all, about His glory.” The foundation of this thought is that a Christian can only glorify God when they are doing something “spiritual.” The verse from Corinthians mentioned earlier was written in the context of one eating or not eating food. Paul says whether you eat or whether you drink do it to the glory of God. Could there be anything more “unspiritual” than eating food and drinking water? These are basic physical needs. If you do not eat and you do not drink water you will not be on this earth for very long.
Paul’s point is the desire behind what we do should be to reflect how glorious God is.
What does this practically look like? I want to give you two real-world things you can do to glorify God. First, a way to glorify God is by being the best writer you can be. Work at your craft to improve. God has given you a talent therefore do it to the best of your ability. I write that last sentence as a reminder to myself. I read John Bunyan and he is so simple yet elegant in his writing and I want to be like him. But I am Ben Wilson and I need to write that way. I have a desire in my life to be the best writer I can be (I know I have a lot of work to do) for the glory of God and for the good of the church. I want God to use my talents for His glory and the good of His people, the church. This is the context in which I want to write. But if you are a Christian and find yourself wiring the sports page for the local paper you should strive to be the best sports writer for the glory of God.
Second. My brother is a really good musician. He is the type of musician who could pick up any instrument and play it in five minutes. He once said a practical way he gives God the glory is when someone tells him how good of a job he did playing he will respond and say thank you, but it was God who have me musical talent; He is the reason I play well. This is simple. Glorifying God takes attention off us and gives it to God.
Write for God’s glory. Write for God’s glory and you will experience joy in writing like you never have before. And most importantly, you will experience joy in God.
Writing for God’s Glory [Ben Wilson Interview] from Victoria Wilson on Vimeo.
This was wonderful! I’m learning what it means to give God glory in everything I do including writing. Even when I wrote a simple children’s poem I know that I am using God’s gift of writing for the good. I used to hate those churchy words “give God glory”, but I just recently discovering the real truth behind that churchy phrase. As my pastor often says, “For God’s glory and our good”.
Wonderful interview! 🙂
Amen 🙂