A Published Book Is A Published Book

Finishing up #write31days I’m going to share closing thoughts on self-publishing. Today’s thought is, simply, that a published book is a published book. I’m finding myself apologizing (Also, why do I apologize so much!?) for my little ‘book baby’. I’m still struggling with believing that a self-published book is, in fact, a real book. Which is a bit ironic because the whole point of self-publishing is that anyone publish a book. A real, live book.
No more excuses. No more regrets.
A published book is a published book.
Part of 31 Days to Self-Publishing A Book.
I have the same struggle, Victoria. I still feel like a little kid trying to play with the grown-ups. I struggle a lot with calling myself a poet (yep, even with a published chapbook). I’ll soon be a children’s book author and that’s hard for me to believe, too.
But you’re right, a published book is a published book.