Dear Working Mom Who Feels Guilty She's Can't Be a SAHM

Dear Working Mom Who Feels Guilty She’s Not a SAHM,
I see you.
I see your posts.
I see your teary-eyed selfies kissing your sweet ones goodbye at the babysitter.
And I want to give you a big ol’ bear hug.
Mama, you want good things. You want to love your family well, to put clothes on their backs and food in their bellies.
That tension between ‘I want to stay home and feel bad I can’t’ and ‘I enjoy work and feel bad I’m not home’ exists because of sin. Satan wants to steal your joy. He doesn’t want you to walk into your God-given roles with confidence.
Because of sin is why we feel less than. You are more than a conqueror in Christ. (Romans 8:31-39)
At home and at work and In your car on the way in between.
If God had a different situation for you, you’d be there.
Hustling hard as a wife and a mama and a worker is right where the Good Lord has you. It’s best for you and your family at this present time. One day it may change. And you can pray and work and anticipate that it will. But don’t let Satan rob you of the joy that is present NOW. Not someday, but NOW
And while we’re talking, why do we pit the Amazing Mother and Standout Employee against each other? Go read Proverbs 31, that woman was a great mom and a tough nut business lady.
God made work part of life in the garden of Eden, before the fall. (Genesis 2) Work itself is a GOOD thing. The hardness of work only came after the fruit was eaten and God’s perfect order shattered. (Genesis 3:17-19)
Mama, I promise you’re doing a great job. That you even have this tension inside of you tells me you strive for the best.
And let me tell you, your current circumstances are God’s best for you.
More than that, you are permanently in Christ. Which means you are never without His love. You are never without His grace. You are never without His provision. You are never without His strength.
At work, or at home.
Love to you,