I have records of my writing as early as age 8, a charming little memoir recounting, in vivid detail, my first exposure to orthopedic medicine entitled 'The Broke Finger'.
I've been expressing myself through words ever since.
I earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Berea College in 2011.
It scares me to tell you this, but I self-published a Young Adult Fantasy Fiction titled Re'and in 2014.
No one could be more surprised than I that I did not marry a medieval Scottish nobleman and, rather, am married to a man from Ohio and have since procreated four daughters with him.
Though not literary, my most cherished professional accomplishment is to have found a home in the birth doula profession for over a decade. That calling has led me to desire a career in nursing and midwifery. As of 2024, I am pursuing a degree in nursing.
If you're looking for a more formal biography, I suppose it would read something like this:
Elsewhere on the Web
EBB 81: The Emotional Journey of Birth. Evidence Based Birth® Podcast
EBB 70: Meet the EBB Team. Evidence Based Birth® Podcast
Coming To Terms With The Baby You Got, The Birthful Podcast
Birthing and Longing, Risen Motherhood
Moms, Jesus Is the Hero of Your Birth Story, The Gospel Coalition
037: Reflections of a Work at Home Mom, Home and Hearth Podcast
Summer Birth Stories: Support Trumps Stubbornness, The Birthful Podcast
Hospital Births with Midwife and Doula, The Birth Hour Podcast
Episode 14: Victoria Wilson, Mom Struggling Well Podcast
The New Mom Life {Episode 46}, The God-Centered Mom Podcast
Enrich your Niche: The Real Purpose of Networking, Brilliant Business Moms
Making My Traditional(ish) Office Job Work, Modern Mrs Darcy