The Doula Retreat

I have records of my writing as early as age 8, a charming little memoir recounting, in vivid detail, my first exposure to orthopedic medicine entitled 'The Broke Finger'.

I've been expressing myself through words ever since.

I earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Berea College in 2011.

It scares me to tell you this, but I self-published a Young Adult Fantasy Fiction titled Re'and in 2014.

No one could be more surprised than I that I did not marry a medieval Scottish nobleman and, rather, am married to a man from Ohio and have since procreated four daughters with him.

Though not literary, my most cherished professional accomplishment is to have found a home in the birth doula profession for over a decade. That calling has led me to desire a career in nursing and midwifery. As of 2024, I am pursuing a degree in nursing.

If you're looking for a more formal biography, I suppose it would read something like this:

Victoria Easter Wilson has been a lover and user of words for nearly three decades. An avid reader, as most writers are, she holds a BA in English Literature from Berea College. Victoria's personal and professional work has been featured in Internet publications, as well as print magazines. She self-published a Young Adult Fantasy Fiction titled Re'and in 2014. Victoria enjoys savoring the company of friends, making her home cozy, luxurious bubble baths, and eating cookie dough. She lives in Kentucky with her husband and four daughters. Once a disavowed pet owner, they presently own two cats - also girls. Visit her online at

Elsewhere on the Web

EBB 81: The Emotional Journey of Birth. Evidence Based Birth® Podcast

EBB 70: Meet the EBB Team. Evidence Based Birth® Podcast

Coming To Terms With The Baby You Got, The Birthful Podcast

Birthing and Longing, Risen Motherhood

Moms, Jesus Is the Hero of Your Birth Story, The Gospel Coalition

037: Reflections of a Work at Home Mom, Home and Hearth Podcast

Summer Birth Stories: Support Trumps Stubbornness, The Birthful Podcast

Hospital Births with Midwife and Doula, The Birth Hour Podcast

Episode 14: Victoria Wilson, Mom Struggling Well Podcast

The New Mom Life {Episode 46}, The God-Centered Mom Podcast

Enrich your Niche: The Real Purpose of Networking, Brilliant Business Moms

Making My Traditional(ish) Office Job Work, Modern Mrs Darcy

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